Birth of a Blog

My husband and I have joined the culture of working people who follow the jobs with the RV, the family, and the dog.  We've been living the vagabond life for most of the past four years and for the most part love it.  Being a "Bible Study Junkie", borrowing my friend Debbie's phrase, I start hunting a Bible Study and a church as soon  as we have leveled and plugged in. 

This trip, I was disappointed that I did not find a Bible Study right away.  The gal a the registration desk, thought a study in the park would be a great idea.  Not wanting to require purchase of a book, I started looking online for a Bible Study that was not expensive, that could be picked up in the middle for RV resort newcomers, and could be continued when we move on.  But I could not find exactly what I had envisioned.

One beautiful afternoon sitting in a folding chair under a Louisiana cypress tree, I drew out a plan.  I like to think it was God's vision and not mine, because I'm certainly not that clever.   The study could be camped in a blog, I could write the study (?), I would lead the first study, then as someone left, she could continue the study, make comments with the rest of the class, and start a class in her new RV Park.  It was all mapped out in my mind.

My more tech savy girlfriend helped get the blog up and running.  She's a great encourager and keeps me propped up when I am ready to end this trip.  At one  low point she assured me that I was just having a baby.  She said that I had planned the baby, decorated it's room, and picked out a name.  But when the labor pains came, I was ready to change my mind.  Anybody know what I'm talking about?


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